Cutting Edge Theatre is committed to making its productions as accessible as we possibly can. We’ll be building this access page as we go along. For this year, the page contains information on wheelchair access, BSL and audio description
The 2024 Easter Play takes place in West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, EH2 2HG. Our information tent is on the corner near the Ross Bandstand. This is where we can provide you with more information about the play and the work we do year-round. This year, our ACCESS stewards will be wearing blue hi-vis vests clearly marked. They are there to assist you to be able to see/hear the play as best you can.
Please also find information on how wheelchair users can access the garden, as suggested on Euan’s Guide here.
Here’s a map of our staging area:
– We will integrate BSL into the play with the help of Mary McDevitt and Shaurna Dickson. Find here below a BSL introduction to the play:
– Audio introduction to the play here – https://on.soundcloud.com/DkNUV